Workspace Template 

Getting started in just a few minutes with pre-made workspace templates

Install a pre-made workspace template

You can start with one of our pre-made workspace templates. Each solution contains both a pre-build workflow and a default docx template for PDF generation.

  1. Click on the blue button (+ icon) in any workspace
  2. Click on "Choose from templates" to open the template centerWorkspace Template monday 1
  3. Search for "DocExport" and choose one of our pre-made workspace templates
  4. On the next page, click on "Use template"
  5. After the import, you have two examples:

    a) NDA Example
    b) Single Project Report

NDA Example

The "NDA Example" is an example of a "Single Item Export", that means you can include information from one single item in a PDF export at a time. Think about contracts, NDAs, rental agreements, etc.

In our NDA example, start with creating a new item. You can create it in the main table as usual, or via monday workforms:

Now go back to the "Main Table" and download the docx Template to create your individual version. You create it once and use it for all your upcoming NDAs.

Follow these steps to use your own design:

Create Template